Adoption: Where to Begin

Adoption: Where to Begin

1 in 8 couples are unable to conceive. Many of these couples consider adoption, but the process can be long and confusing. 

Once a couple has come to the mutual decision that they want to adopt a child the next step is to find an adoption lawyer. Having a lawyer increases the chances of having an easy adoption process and will ensure that all correct paperwork is completed and filed prior to the deadlines.  At NB Family Law, adoption is made stress free

A homestudy is required before any adopting parent is able to take their new child home. This evaluation is conducted by a licensed professional, like a social worker, and is intended to educate parents and prepare them for the adoption. The professional will also evaluate the home, finalize all paperwork and ensure that the parents will provide a healthy environment for their new child.  

The couple will need to decide on the type of adoption they want. An independent adoption will allow parents to adopt an infant, but it has a higher likelihood of not working out on the first attempt due to birth parents changing their mind after the child is born. If the couple wishes to adopt an older child or siblings a public adoption agency would be suggested. A private adoption agency is also an option for adopting internationally although it is much pricier. 

After selecting the type of adoption right for you, leave the rest to the lawyers at NB Family Law. We will ensure all correct paperwork is filed and in compliance with adoption rules and regulations. Let us be there for you every step of the way on the path to meeting your new child. Give us a call today at (940) 566-0606 or visit our website at for more information.