16 Jul Back to School – What Does That Mean in 2020?
Every year around this time, stores fill their shelves with backpacks, supplies and goodies as children and parents alike begin to anticipate the back to school season — but this year, what does that mean?
Since March 2020, the attorneys at NB Family Law have been assisting clients navigate the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to possession and access, child support, travel concerns and much more. As August approaches and other significant decisions will need to be made by parents, our attorneys stand ready to advise clients throughout that decision-making process.
Online or In-Person?

Unlike any year before, parents headed into the 2020-2021 school year will be faced with unique decisions regarding their children’s education. The most immediate question seems to be — online or in-person learning? While we do not have the answer to what may be a very personal decision to each client and parent, we can assist in navigating the decision-making process, whether it be amicable or through litigation before the courts. Similarly, the attorneys at NB Family Law can assist with a comprehensive and thorough review of any orders that speak to educational decisions between the parties.
What Happens if it’s a Late Start?
Some districts have contemplated a late start to the 2020-2021 school year, and we anticipate questions will arise with regard to the end of summer and beginning of school. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, first the local courts and then the Supreme Court of Texas instructed Texans to follow the originally published school calendar. At NB Family Law we will continue to monitor any local or state mandates and orders that affect our clients and their children, especially those related to back to school.
To schedule a private consultation with one of our attorneys, contact NB Family Law at 940.566.0606.