12 May Family Law Practice in DFW as Courts Re-Open
For approximately two months, courts have been closed to non-essential hearings, and most hearings have been held remotely. As certain COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, many stores, restaurants and public facilities are re-opening to the public, albeit with certain limitations. But what about the courts?

In-line with state recommendations, many courts remain closed to non-essential hearings through the rest of this month. We believe that beginning in June, courts will begin to re-open to in-person hearings. It is imperative to know the policies of the county and the court that your case is in, and whether hearings are occurring virtually or in-person. In the same instance, because courts have been closed, we expect a significant backlog for cases needing an extended hearing (i.e. half-day, full-day or longer settings).
With “summer” approaching, you may not want to think about “back-to-school”, but keep in mind the impact that COVID-19 may have on new or pending cases through the summer, as court intervention is sought before school resumes. We advise speaking to an experienced family law attorney that practices in the county that your case is in to know when to best pursue filing your case with the court.
The attorneys at NB Family Law remain well-informed as to all county and court policies in Denton County and all surrounding counties. We ensure that you are well-informed about your court throughout your case. To discuss the status of your case, including the timeline on which it may be pursued, contact NB Family Law and set a consultation with one of our dedicated attorneys.