Navarrette Family Law


Divorce Mediation in Denton, TX

Lawyers Providing Effective Alternative Dispute Resolution in Texas

When two parties can agree on the terms of a divorce, including child custody, division of property, and spousal support, mediation can provide an effective alternative to litigation. In many cases, mediation can speed along the divorce process and provide an altogether far more pleasant experience than taking a case to court. At Navarrette Family Law, our Texas mediators can help you determine if alternative dispute resolution is right for you.

Every situation is different, which is why we take the time to understand your unique circumstances before proceeding with the mediation process. Our divorce mediation lawyers have years of legal experience and have helped countless couples find agreeable solutions to complex family law matters.

Find out if mediation is right for you. Call (940) 243-5050 to speak with an attorney about your situation.

What Is Mediation, and is it Right for Me?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that can help you and your spouse avoid divorce court. The process of mediation involves extensive negotiation and compromise. It allows both parties to mutually agree upon the terms of a divorce rather than have various disagreements left to an impartial judge. Through the use of experienced mediators, the involved parties can negotiate and determine fair agreements based on their own unique circumstances.

There are many advantages to choosing mediation over divorce court. Divorce mediation can:

  • Speed up the divorce process, saving you time and money
  • Allow you and your spouse to come to mutual, personalized agreements
  • Avoid having a judge rule on the terms of your divorce
  • Protect your best interests and the best interests of your family
  • Allow you to express and protect your position on various divorce terms
  • Save you a great deal of stress

When beginning the mediation process, it is important to be prepared. The process may take anywhere from hours to weeks, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of your goals from the very beginning.

Navarrette Family Law Advocates for You

In order to improve your chances of a successful mediation, it’s important that you and your spouse are both open to compromise. Being able to agree on all of the terms of your divorce is essential to effective alternative dispute resolution. If your situation involves domestic violence or you and your spouse are very unlikely to agree on issues such as visitation, property division, child custody, and more, mediation may not be appropriate. If you need divorce mediation in Denton, TX our firm can help you determine if you might benefit from mediation services. We proudly offer compassionate, reliable legal services to clients throughout the Denton area.

Contact us at (940) 243-5050 to schedule your initial consultation with our team.

4 Reasons to Turn to

Navarrette Family Law

Family Law Focused

We are experienced litigators and collaborative family law attorneys.

Top-Notch Legal Knowledge

Our founding attorneys are Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

A Boutique Firm

We are devoted to providing unparalleled family law representation.

Committed to Our Clients

We will work with you to protect and defend your and your children’s best interests