Navarrette Family Law

Premarital & Post-nuptial Agreements

Premarital & Postnuptial Agreements in Texas

Turn to Our Divorce Family Lawyers for Sound Legal Counsel

If you are not yet married and would like to explore your premarital agreement options, Navarrette Family Law can help. Our award-winning divorce family lawyers also serve the surrounding areas to assist you. If you and your spouse have decided to pursue a postnuptial agreement or property agreement. We are happy to help you and your spouse find a solution tailored to your exact situation. We are on your side!

Contact us today at (940) 243-5050 to learn more about drafting a premarital or postnuptial agreement with our firm.

What Is the Difference Between a Premarital & Postnuptial Agreement?

At first glance, premarital and postnuptial agreements may seem identical, save for timing. However, there are a few key differences that ought to be noted. A premarital agreement is one that is created before you and your future spouse marry, whereas a postnuptial agreement is one that you create after marriage.

Regardless of their differences, both premarital and postnuptial agreements can save you time, money, and stress in the event of divorce or death. Both agreements can be used to determine:

  • Division of property
  • Equitable distribution of assets
  • Division of shared businesses
  • Community vs. separate property
  • Division of debts/liabilities

A premarital agreement is often more straightforward than a postnuptial agreement, as an unmarried couple does not yet have “community property” under Texas law. Drafting a postnuptial agreement can be a much more complex and time-consuming matter, as it typically requires the careful inventory of each spouse’s individual and shared assets.

Both agreements are equally important in the event of future divorce or the unexpected death of one spouse. While they are often thought of as unnecessary, these agreements can potentially save a great deal of stress. Such agreements are especially wise for individuals with numerous or highly valuable assets or children from previous marriages.

How Can We Help You?

While many people think premarital and postnuptial agreements are reserved only for the very wealthy, these legal contracts can actually be extremely beneficial for any couple. Taking the proper precautions before or soon after marriage can protect you in the unlikely event that you and your spouse ultimately decide to divorce. Despite their reputation for being “unromantic” or “pessimistic,” deciding to draft a premarital or postnuptial agreement is, in fact, a wise, thoughtful decision—one that is on the rise amongst Texas couples

Whether you are soon-to-be-married or have been married for many years, Navarrette Family Law can help you determine how a premarital or postnuptial agreement might benefit you and your spouse. Our dedicated divorce family attorneys have years of legal experience, offering attentive services and reliable representation every step of the way. No matter how complex your situation may be, we can help find the right option and come to an agreeable solution.

Reach out to our experienced team today. Call (940) 243-5050 to get started with your initial consultation!

4 Reasons to Turn to

Navarrette Family Law

Family Law Focused

We are experienced litigators and collaborative family law attorneys.

Top-Notch Legal Knowledge

Our founding attorneys are Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

A Boutique Firm

We are devoted to providing unparalleled family law representation.

Committed to Our Clients

We will work with you to protect and defend your and your children’s best interests