Quick Guide to Stepparent Adoptions

Quick Guide to Stepparent Adoptions

At NB Family Law, the most popular adoption we see is stepparents wanting to adopt their stepchild. This is especially common during the holiday season, as some children have asked Santa to be adopted by their stepparent for Christmas. It is also common around other special events like birthdays and graduations. If you are thinking of adopting your stepchild, there are a few things to be considered.

If a child’s biological parent has passed, the stepparent may be eligible to adopt.  In other instances, if both biological parents are alive, before a stepparent can adopt their stepchild, the rights of the biological parent have to be terminated. 

Once a stepchild is eligible for adoption by a stepparent, there are requirements that must be met before you go to court and seek the judge’s approval. In most cases, the family will undergo an adoption evaluation that is performed by a third party who will make a recommendation to the court regarding the evaluation.  The adopting parent will have to obtain a criminal background check that must be on file with the court, and the parties will have to provide other required information before going to court.  

Once all requisites have been met, it is time to go before the judge.  Stepparent adoptions are a celebration and most courts welcome family and friends to be there to share the special day.  

If you are wondering if you may be eligible for stepparent adoption, contact our experienced Denton adoption attorneys at (940) 566-0606 or visit nbfamilylaw.com to schedule a consultation.