Summer Co-Parenting

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Summer Co-Parenting

Summer vacation is a time for joy for kids. No school for a few months! For parents, this is a time when children can go away to camp or take a family vacation.

When you are co-parenting, summer can mean a different tune. Without the structure of school during the week, your co-parenting plans may look different. Plus, you may want to both take your kids on vacation or have plans. As summer vacation descends upon you, you may be wondering how to handle the season.

Summer vs. School Year

Summer vacation affects only the physical custody aspect of co-parenting. Physical custody is also called possession and access. In a standard possession order, each parent has designated days and weekends that they are with their children.

For the purposes of co-parenting, summer months begin the day after school ends and end seven days prior to school resuming. The major change that summer vacation brings is the possibility of extended summer possession. Depending on whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent, extended summer possession affects you differently.

Non-custodial Parent

During the summer, the non-custodial parent is given 30 days of possession. This is in addition to the weekends you already have. These 30 days can be used continuously for an entire month. It can also be broken up into two separate periods. In this case, each period must be at least a week long.

As a non-custodial parent, you need to give notice when your 30 days will be. Notice must be given in April. If it is not, then possession automatically runs for the month of July.

Custodial Parent

For the custodial parent, extended summer possession translates into two weekends. One weekend is during those 30 days. In addition, you get another weekend that would usually belong to the non-custodial parent. The second weekend falls outside of the 30 days.

As a custodial parent, you must also give notice in April for when these possession weekends will take place. If you do not, then the summer weekend possession gets waived.

Expanded Standard Possession Order

If the two parents live over 100 miles apart, the possession order can get expanded. For the non-custodial parent, the 30 days gets bumped up to 42 days. All other rules apply. If no notice is given in April to the specific dates, it will automatically begin June 15th and run through July 27th.

In an expanded order, the custodial parent can choose two nonconsecutive weekends within the 42 days to take possession. All other rules apply, including waiver if notice is not given.

An important note to make is that regardless of the summer order schedule, the father has the right to be with their children on Father’s Day Weekend.

How an Attorney Can Help

The language around extended summer possession can seem intimidating. Whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent, you want to make sure notice is given correctly. This way, you can make plans with your children ahead of time, whether it involves summer activities or a family vacation.

An attorney will make sure that notice is given correctly outlining your asks during summer vacation. They will make sure the only thing you need to worry about is planning your summer with your children. If you are co-parenting and need to give notice for summer visitation, contact Navarette Bowen P.C. We are a family law firm that has a team of custody lawyers that can assist. Our main office is located in downtown Denton. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.