Understanding the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Spousal Support in Texas

Temporary spousal support, permanent spousal support, divorce

Understanding the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Spousal Support in Texas

Divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging process that often involves the issue of spousal support. In Texas, spousal support, also known as alimony, can be awarded to provide financial assistance to a lower-earning spouse during and after the divorce. It is important to understand the distinction between temporary and permanent spousal support as it plays a significant role in the divorce proceedings. In this blog post, we will delve into the key differences between these two types of support in Texas.

Temporary Spousal Support:

Temporary spousal support, as the name suggests, is awarded for a specific period during the divorce process. It is designed to maintain the financial stability of the lower-earning spouse until the divorce is finalized. The purpose of temporary support is to ensure both parties have equal access to resources during the divorce proceedings.

Factors considered for temporary spousal support may include the earning capacity of each spouse, the duration of the marriage, and the needs of the requesting spouse. The court will typically review financial documents, such as income statements and expense reports, to determine the appropriate amount and duration of temporary support.

Temporary spousal support is subject to modification and can be terminated upon finalizing the divorce settlement. It is important to note that the court’s focus is primarily on providing temporary assistance rather than establishing a long-term obligation.

Permanent Spousal Support:

Permanent spousal support, on the other hand, is designed to provide ongoing financial assistance to a spouse after the divorce is finalized. Contrary to its name, permanent support does not necessarily mean it lasts indefinitely. Instead, it is awarded for a specified period, often determined based on the length of the marriage.

To determine the need for permanent spousal support, the court considers factors such as the financial resources of each spouse, the ability to meet their needs independently, the standard of living during the marriage, and the age and health of the parties involved. Unlike temporary support, permanent spousal support may be subject to modification under certain circumstances, such as a significant change in financial status or the recipient spouse entering into a new supportive relationship.

It is crucial to understand that permanent spousal support in Texas is not automatically granted in every divorce case. The court carefully evaluates the factors mentioned above to make a fair and equitable decision.


In Texas, temporary and permanent spousal support serve different purposes in the divorce process. Temporary support provides financial stability during the divorce proceedings, while permanent support aims to ensure ongoing financial assistance after the divorce is finalized. Understanding the differences between these two types of support is crucial for both spouses involved in a divorce.

If you are going through a divorce and have concerns about spousal support, it is advisable to consult with an experienced family law attorney. They can provide guidance, advocate for your rights, and help you navigate the complexities of spousal support laws in Texas. At NB Law, our dedicated team of family law attorneys is committed to providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal representation. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn more about spousal support in Texas.